Why Real Estate Appraisers Should Have Errors & Omissions Insurance

In the dynamic world of real estate, the role of appraisers stands out as crucial. These professionals provide an unbiased assessment of property values, aiding in fair transactions and ensuring market stability. However, alongside their expertise comes a responsibility that extends beyond valuation accuracy: mitigating risks and protecting stakeholders. One vital aspect of this risk management is Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance, which plays a pivotal role in safeguarding both appraisers and their clients.

Understanding Errors & Omissions Insurance

Errors & Omissions insurance, commonly known as E&O insurance or professional liability insurance, is designed to protect professionals from claims of negligence or inadequate work. For real estate appraisers, whose evaluations directly influence financial decisions, having E&O insurance is not just a prudent choice but often a regulatory requirement.  In fact, appraisers typically must include a copy of their E&O policy with each appraisal they provide, so basically, they can’t work if they don’t have E&O insurance! 

The Importance of E&O Insurance for Real Estate Appraisers

  1. Risk Mitigation: Even with the utmost care and diligence, mistakes can happen. E&O insurance acts as a safety net, covering legal costs, settlements, and judgments resulting from claims of errors or omissions in appraisals.

  2. Legal Compliance: Many states and regulatory bodies mandate E&O insurance for real estate appraisers. Failing to maintain this coverage can lead to disciplinary actions or even suspension of licenses, hindering professional practice.

  3. Client Confidence: Clients, including lenders, buyers, and sellers, often prefer working with appraisers who are insured. E&O coverage signals a commitment to professionalism and accountability, fostering trust in appraisers' work.

  4. Financial Protection: Defending against legal claims can be financially draining. E&O insurance provides financial protection, preventing appraisers from bearing the full brunt of legal expenses and potential damages.

  5. Industry Reputation: Appraisers with E&O insurance demonstrate a commitment to ethical conduct and quality standards. This enhances the overall reputation of the profession and contributes to a more robust real estate ecosystem.

Factors to Consider When Choosing E&O Insurance

When selecting E&O insurance, real estate appraisers should consider several key factors:

  1. Coverage Limits: Ensure the policy offers adequate coverage limits based on your typical appraisal assignments and potential risks.  The Vanguard Real Estate E&O program offers a Claims Expense Outside the Limits (CEOL) option for appraisers.

  2. Deductibles: Evaluate deductible options to strike a balance between premium costs and out-of-pocket expenses in case of a claim.  The Vanguard Real Estate E&O program offers a zero deductible for appraisers.

  3. Policy Exclusions: Understand any exclusions in the policy to avoid surprises when filing a claim. Common exclusions may include intentional misconduct or fraud.

  4. Tail Options: Review the tail options available to the appraisal.  The Vanguard Real Estate E&O program offers an unlimited tail at just 160% of annual premium for appraisers.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness: While cost is a consideration, prioritize value and comprehensive coverage over simply opting for the cheapest policy.


Errors & Omissions insurance is a fundamental aspect of risk management for real estate appraisers. Beyond legal compliance, it offers financial protection, enhances client confidence, and contributes to a positive industry reputation. By understanding the importance of E&O insurance and making informed choices when selecting coverage, appraisers can navigate their professional responsibilities with greater confidence and resilience.